It is totally normal, and even expected, for children and teens to test boundaries and defy authority every now and then. However, if the young person is displaying behavior that is excessive for their age and lasts longer than six months it may be oppositional defiant disorder (ODD). ODD is a behavior disorder that is characterized by a frequent and persistent pattern of anger, irritability, arguing, defiance and/or vindictiveness toward authority figures that disrupts activities school and/or home. ODD can vary is severity, from mild to severe, and typically begins to emerge during early childhood. Therapy for ODD can help the child develop more effective coping skills and can also be helpful for parents struggling to parent a child with ODD. If a child in your care is suffering from ODD (or you think they might be), reach out to one of TherapyDen’s ODD experts today.
I have dedicated over four years to supporting adolescents and families navigating the challenges associated with an ODD diagnosis. Behavioral interventions, parent-child interaction therapy, and parenting classes are some of what I provide for my clients.
— Benita Tonti, Licensed Professional CounselorParent-Child Interaction Therapy is one of the best treatments for Oppositional Defiant Disorder. I coach you to use play therapy skills to strengthen your bond with their child and build your child's motivation to please you. When this strong foundation is established, I coach you in using very strict and consistent discipline skills that were developed especially for children with ODD.
— Lea Ray, Licensed Clinical Social Worker in Durham, NCI have been trained in curriculums, intervention, and parenting practices that are aimed at assisting children experiencing and displaying anger, defiance, and/ or ADHD symptoms.
— Alexis Bird, Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist in Bakersfield, CAI have experience working in a school- based setting and offered crisis support to children and teens with a history of behavioral problems. Used the nationally recognized Teaching Family Model to assist youth with learning social skills, anger management, goal setting and basic living skills.
— Andrea Mooradian, Licensed Clinical Social Worker in Gig Harbor, WAWhen children act out persistently so that it causes serious problems at home, in school, or with peers, they may be diagnosed with ODD. For younger children, the treatment with the strongest evidence is behavior therapy training for parents, where a therapist helps the parent learn effective ways to strengthen the parent-child relationship and respond to the child’s behavior. Dr. Edwards provides behavioral parent training online.
— Dr. Kristin Edwards, Psychologist in Tampa, FLYou noticed the increasing presence of heightened emotions, refusal to follow directions, constant arguing, and difficulty getting along with others. Your child is easily frustrated and becomes angry on a daily basis. I work to resolve behavioral and emotional difficulties by identifying the source and creating a plan for your child to engage in effective communication, control negative impulses, manage anger responses, and increase compliance.
— Latasha Teamer, Licensed Professional Counselor in San Antonio, TXI am trained and certified in Parent Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT), which is for 2-7 year old's that may display anger/aggression, ADHD symptoms, and oppositional to commands. PCIT is an evidenced based model, which yields high success when utilized.
— Mark Lesniewski, Counselor in Erie, PA