Nicholas Seibel
Associate Marriage & Family Therapist, AMFT 135947You are in good company here and I am excited to talk with you. A sense of humor goes so far in this life and i use it every day.
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The therapists, counselors, social workers and psychologists below treat common issues such as depression, anxiety, loss, relationship issues and trauma. Performing an advanced search will allow you to filter for therapists that have specialized experience and training in more modern areas such as non-monogamy, body-positivity, racial justice, queer-competency and more.
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Are you stuck in a cycle of thought patterns or behaviors that are harming your well-being? Do you feel anxious, ashamed, disconnected, or depressed, and wish you could break away from these patterns? Do you find yourself daydreaming about what life would be like if you weren’t so caught up in this struggle? Many people are struggling to manage their relationships, careers, and lives during these uncertain times. You are not alone, and I am here to help.