Paws To Connect Counseling, LLC
Licensed Clinical Social Worker,We specialize in providing therapy and veterinary social work to support the unique intersection of mental health and the human-animal bond.
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The therapists, counselors, social workers and psychologists below treat common issues such as depression, anxiety, loss, relationship issues and trauma. Performing an advanced search will allow you to filter for therapists that have specialized experience and training in more modern areas such as non-monogamy, body-positivity, racial justice, queer-competency and more.
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You as the client may need a supportive space to explore emotional experiences, systemic challenges, or relationship upset. Therapy should be a place to connect with vulnerable parts of yourself, heal, and grow. As a therapist, I consider it my job to help you to feel more grounded, more empowered, and more confident in your own ability to create the life and relationships you want and need. I want to collaborate with you to reach your goals and become more of who you are.
Being human is often tough. Sometimes we lose our way and can feel stuck and overwhelmed. Sometimes we would like to change parts of our lives or ourselves but don’t know how. Therapy can be an empowering way to promote healing, growth, and wellness. Often, we initially seek treatment to address a specific concern and then begin to uncover other areas of our lives in which we want to make meaningful change. My goal is for this process to feel supportive, affirming, and appropriately challenging.
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I specialize in working with mood disorders & trauma. Trauma is any experience that has overwhelmed your ability to cope and has impacted how you now perceive yourself and the world around you. I believe that we can work together to heal and grow past previous experiences so that you can be the best version of yourself. I also have experience working with other therapists At this time, I am only accepting clients for Telehealth, I take Private Pay and Premera Insurance
We help adults, teens, children, couples, groups, and faith communities. Regardless of your background, who you are, what you've done, or what's been done to you, we desire to provide a safe space for you to process where you've been, where you are, and where you desire to go. Our team of highly trained counselors are dedicated to allying with our clients to overcome mental, emotional, spiritual, and relational distress.
I have extensive experience in providing support to individuals experiencing mild to chronic symptoms of schizophrenia/psychosis, bipolar disorder, borderline personality disorder, anxiety, depression, violence/aggression, and other severe mental health conditions. You will receive unconditional care in a non-judgmental environment. Whether you are dealing with chronic mental health symptoms or seeking support to achieve your goals, we can collaborate to help manage and stabilize your life.
Because my 30+ years of counseling experience has privileged me to know people in many settings and from all walks of life, my practice reflects that: Clients come from varied backgrounds & experiences. I see Adults only, and as a systemically trained therapist, I consider relationships important even when I'm seeing clients only in individual sessions.