About My Clients
Have you ever been told that you're the "Black sheep" of the community or your family, "Whitewashed", "Too South Asian", or "Not Brown enough"? Maybe you feel like you don't belong in your community, but you belong right here! As someone who was raised Indian and Catholic, I've also been called these things too. Sometimes it makes us feel isolated, and we withdraw from the world. It doesn't have to be that way!
My Background and Approach
I'm here to help you tackle your unhealthy sense of shame, guilt, and self-disgust or self-hatred. We'll self-actualize your worth and assert yourself! Ultimately, I'm on your side and I'm here to be your sounding board while also gently holding you accountable for your own self-care. I take an eclectic approach to therapy and I pull from modalities like Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) to help you find what works for you. My philosophy is, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it". I take a trauma-informed approach to therapy, and we focus on your past, present, and future here. I know it sounds cliche to say, "You're not alone", but as someone who has worked with "misfits" and "black sheep" for 4 years now, you are not a bad person and you are not your cultural trauma. Your cultural identity is only a small part of who you are, not the entirely of who you are!
My Personal Beliefs and Interests
You've spent so much of your life trying to be the "good Indian" and realized it no longer works for you. It took me a while to realize this too. We're never going to be good "enough" in anyone's eyes. Growing up in a small South Asian religious household, I was aware of the lack of freedom for women and any minority group who didn't fit the "norm" in our community. Anytime I or anyone I loved didn't "fall in line" with what was expected of us, it was almost like we were "cast out", or at the very last, nasty things were said. I make change by approaching uncomfortable conversations about gender, sexuality, caste, and racism in our community. We're always going to be "bad" to someone, so let's be "bad" together!